Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Barry Bonds Has Worn Me Out!

Travis had a good post this morning about Hank Aaron's homerun record finally being broken after seemingly endless chances at the plate by a tainted Barry Bonds. Other athletic things were mentioned in the the post, and it bears reading.

Now let us baseball fans sit back, grab another beer and a couple of hot dogs and watch A-Rod break that record in a few years -- barring injury or some other calamity. Alex be de man.

In my comment to Travis's post I mentioned a couple of my Yankee heroes -- Babe Ruth and Mickey Mantle who both swatted many a baseball out of the park under the influence of Johnny Walker or Jack Daniels -- two heroes of a different kind. I don't suppose steroids were in use back then. They did it with sheer muscle, timing and a little alcohol.

Since the Bonds' feat is over now we can go back to the more important people in the news -- Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears etal. After all, all of America hangs at the edge of seats wondering what will be next for these Hollywood role models.


Caleb said...

I agree--glad the chase is over. But I love the way the relationship between the media and players has changed. I'm not really sure when it happened, but in the old, old media, the Mick and Joe D were hailed as great ball players, regardless of how Mickey had crashed his care the night before because he was drunk and had a woman (who was not his wife) in the car with him.

Today, the media seems content with playing the role of Bernstien and Woodward, trying to uncover the evil that goes on that no one knows about.

I believed the new media, bloggers and the like, seem content to judge people by their abilities on the field, though this Mike Vick case has certainly changed that. I heard one radio announcer say Vick might've been better off having "raped a girl" than killing those dogs. While I don't agree with that, Vick is certainly under more scrutiny than Rams DE Leonard Little. Little was charged with a DUI less than a year after having an accident while under the influence with a car containing a mother and her child. The mother died in the accident, yet Leonard received another DUI, spitting in the faces of the family of the deceased.

Travis said...

I totally agree with Caleb, I think people and the media judge an issue by how elaborate a story it can make. Leonard Little is a great example. Since he wasn’t as high profile of an athlete and didn’t have any dramatic police reports things like electrocuting dogs he flew under the radar for the most part.

Now as for the baseball gods of old. I say we give them a few extra points for having the athletic ability to hit home runs under the influence of Jack D and the rest. As much of a drunk as Babe Ruth was, he may actually still be the home run leader if you follow that formula.